Is isocyanate in PUR hot melt harmfull?

Always observe the instructions of the corresponding material safety data sheet of your specific product.

PUR hot melt adhesives contain Isocyanate as  reactive groups. At ambient temperature and good ventilated rooms, all components of the pur hot melt adhesive are practically non-volatile, isocyanate vapours may pollute the surrounding air during melting and processing of the hot melt. The German MAK-value (= max. concentration in the workplace/TLV) for monomer isocyanate (MDI) is 0.005 ppm (0.05 mg/m³).

In any case, PUR hot melt may extract vapours which are advised to be extracted via suitable exhaust systems just like any vapours in production areas. With appropriate exhaust systems, the maximum values for MID will remain far below the. TLV limits, and safe working conditions are ensured. Always observe the instructions of the corresponding material safety data sheet of your specific product.

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